Spending time outdoors can be a magical experience, but it can also be a little daunting at first! Gain experience in skills like fire building and camping, as well as nature journaling and hiking with our kind and adventurous staff.
We will be camping under the stars over this three-day, two-night experience. We will provide the food, cooking equipment, and tents. We do have a limited amount of sleeping bags and sleeping pads to lend out, and a large quantity of thick blankets. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions!
This camp costs $350 per camper, scholarships are available. Please contact info@ospreywilds.org for a scholarship application form if required. Your application must be approved before submitting your registration form.
Space is limited. This camp is for 4th–7th graders who identify as a girl.
Please note that when you register, the first page is for your information as parent/guardian; the following pages relate to your camper(s).