Plan to Leave a Lasting Legacy
You can support our important work into the future while also fulfilling your own financial goals and objectives.
Your planned gift will continue to provide for the environmental education of literally thousands of people of all ages, helping them learn how they can care for and protect the environment today and for future generations. Thoughtful gift planning can use income, estate and tax strategies to maximize the benefit for you, your heirs, and the causes you believe in. Discover how your planned gift could make a significant impact and leave a legacy that will truly make a difference.

You can support our important work into the future while also fulfilling your own financial goals and objectives.
Your planned gift will continue to provide for the environmental education of literally thousands of people of all ages, helping them learn how they can care for and protect the environment today and for future generations. Thoughtful gift planning can use income, estate and tax strategies to maximize the benefit for you, your heirs, and the causes you believe in. Discover how your planned gift could make a significant impact and leave a legacy that will truly make a difference.

- A Gift in Your Will
- A Beneficiary Gift
- A Gift that Pays You Income
- Planned Giving Resources
Perhaps the easiest and most common way to make a planned gift is through a bequest in a will. Bequests generally take the form of a set amount of money, a percentage of an estate, or a specific asset such as real estate. A bequest can be included in a new will or added to an existing will or living trust through a simple codicil. If your estate will be subject to taxes, a deductible charitable bequest can reduce your tax burden.
Naming Osprey Wilds as a contingent or primary beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, 401K, or other financial account is as easy as filling out a beneficiary form, which your financial institution will provide online or on request. Because account proceeds go directly to charity, they are not subject to capital gain or estate taxes. Beneficiary gifts are flexible: you can change your beneficiaries whenever you wish, and you can name multiple beneficiaries to receive a portion of the account remainder.
A life income agreement could allow you to leave a substantial gift to Osprey Wilds while providing income for yourself or others for the remainder of your life, their lives, or a fixed number of years. Two common life income gifts are the charitable gift annuity and the charitable remainder trust. Both the gift annuity and the remainder trust, as well as other life income options, offer tax advantages, such as a charitable deduction and possible reduction of estate or capital gains taxes
Planned gifts often require the assistance of professionals, such as an accountant, attorney, or financial planner. One resource at your disposal is the St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation (SPMF). Because of Osprey Wild’s affiliation with SPMF, their expertise and services are available to our constituents at no charge and without obligation. You can learn more at their website about how their expert team will partner with you and your financial advisors to create a giving plan that’s right for you.

When you become an OWLS member you ensure that your commitment to building environmental stewards becomes part of your personal legacy. Friends of Osprey Wilds will know you were here and that you cared. You will know you are doing your part to make this world a better place. That is a true legacy.
Osprey Wilds Legacy Society Members
Betsy Johnston
Crystal Clift
Don and Barbara Shelby
Don and Meg Arnosti
Don Janes and Marilyn Thompson
Frances Duritsa
George and Marilyn Knuteson
Harriett Crosby
Jack Telfer
Jane Spence
Jean Roberts
Jim and Barb McDonell
Jim and Sue DeYoung
Jim and Wilda Obey
Joan and Richard Newmark
Kathleen Aust
Lily Beth Frentz
Lois Norrgard
Lydia Steensen
Marguerite Schwyzer
Mary Ellen Vetter
Mike and Deb Curran
Paulette Huddle
Richard and Connie Glattly
Richard and Patty Hapke
Robert Boelter
Roger and Ruby Trapp
Ruth Allaman
Ruth Roberts
Sam and Diana Rankin
Steve and Judy Seidmeyer
Sylvia Marcotte
Sylvia Winkelman
Jacqueline Mithun
Donald L. Nelson
For more information about making a legacy gift and becoming an OWLS member, contact Jim DeYoung, Development Director:
Phone: 320-245-7791 | Email:
Fran Duritsa’s legacy
When Frances Duritsa died in March 2020, she left a rich legacy of loving relationships, professional achievements, and volunteer activism. After her children were fully fledged, she became involved with the Minneapolis Audubon Society, serving for many years as its program chair. That brought her into contact with Northwoods Audubon Center, as the organization was known at the time.
“My mother delighted in learning and sharing knowledge about the natural world and the role of humans within it,” said Fran’s daughter Mary. “Our family’s connections to Northwoods go back to 1973, and my mother had many great experiences there.”
Included in Fran’s legacy was a planned gift benefiting Osprey Wilds—half of the remainder of a charitable gift annuity.
- A Gift in Your Will
- A Beneficiary Gift
- A Gift that Pays You Income
- Planned Giving Resources
Perhaps the easiest and most common way to make a planned gift is through a bequest in a will. Bequests generally take the form of a set amount of money, a percentage of an estate, or a specific asset such as real estate. A bequest can be included in a new will or added to an existing will or living trust through a simple codicil. If your estate will be subject to taxes, a deductible charitable bequest can reduce your tax burden.
Naming Osprey Wilds as a contingent or primary beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, 401K, or other financial account is as easy as filling out a beneficiary form, which your financial institution will provide online or on request. Because account proceeds go directly to charity, they are not subject to capital gain or estate taxes. Beneficiary gifts are flexible: you can change your beneficiaries whenever you wish, and you can name multiple beneficiaries to receive a portion of the account remainder.
A life income agreement could allow you to leave a substantial gift to Osprey Wilds while providing income for yourself or others for the remainder of your life, their lives, or a fixed number of years. Two common life income gifts are the charitable gift annuity and the charitable remainder trust. Both the gift annuity and the remainder trust, as well as other life income options, offer tax advantages, such as a charitable deduction and possible reduction of estate or capital gains taxes
Planned gifts often require the assistance of professionals, such as an accountant, attorney, or financial planner. One resource at your disposal is the St. Paul and Minnesota Foundation (SPMF). Because of Osprey Wild’s affiliation with SPMF, their expertise and services are available to our constituents at no charge and without obligation. You can learn more at their website about how their expert team will partner with you and your financial advisors to create a giving plan that’s right for you.

When you become an OWLS you ensure that your commitment to building environmental stewards becomes part of your personal legacy. Friends of Osprey Wilds will know you were here and that you cared. You will know you are doing your part to make this world a better place. That is a true legacy.
Osprey Wilds Legacy Society Members
Betsy Johnston
Crystal Clift
Don and Barbara Shelby
Don and Meg Arnosti
Don Janes and Marilyn Thompson
Frances Duritsa
Harriett Crosby
Jack Telfer
Jane Spence
Jean Roberts
Jim and Barb McDonell
Jim and Sue DeYoung
Jim and Wilda Obey
Joan and Richard Newmark
Kathleen Aust
Lily Beth Frentz
Lois Norrgard
Lydia Steensen
Marguerite Schwyzer
Mary Ellen Vetter
Mike and Deb Curran
Paulette Huddle
Richard and Connie Glattly
Richard and Patty Hapke
Robert Boelter
Roger and Ruby Trapp
Ruth Allaman
Ruth Roberts
Sam and Diana Rankin
Steve and Judy Seidmeyer
Sylvia Marcotte
Sylvia Winkelman
Jacqueline Mithun
Donald L. Nelson
For more information about making a legacy gift and becoming an OWLS member, contact Jim DeYoung, Development Director. Call 320-245-7791 or email