🍽️Tickets still available for our December Dinner at the Lake!

Osprey Wilds

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Volunteer Opportunities

Trapp Farm Volunteer

Summer 2021

Gain experience on our expanding Trapp Farm. Help us grow high-quality, nutrient-dense food while stewarding the land and adding to your farming skills. You will work with our farm manager, operations director, and other volunteers while doing a wide variety of farm tasks.

General volunteers duties include: 

  • Fieldwork (soil prep, planting, cultivation, harvest)
  • Processing (washing, packing, delivery)
  • Working on farm maintenance and infrastructure projects 
  • Distributing produce to local grocery stores
  • Selling produce at the farm stand on-site

Volunteers must be able to lift 25 lbs and comfortable working outdoors and in our hoop house. Weekday and weekend shifts are available throughout the summer. Email us at operations@ospreywilds.org or submit a Volunteer Interest Form below. 

Volunteer Interest Form

If you are interested in volunteering some of your time and talents, contact us below. We are interested in hearing about your areas of interest and expertise.